People who live in South Africa have the opportunity to apply for the Correctional Services Learnership from DCS. DCS offers Correctional Services Learnership 2023 as one of the functional strategies to reduce the number of poverty in South Africa.
This chance given by the DCS is available for those who want to show profound knowledge in a positive way. The available learnership is the Further Education and Training (FET) and also Training Certificate for the NQF Level 4.
During the learnerships, the learners will experience both practical and theoretical training in relation to the prisoners’ rehabilitation. Dealing with people who got detention is one of the daily bases that you will face every single day. Practically, they will have provisions for the prisoners to show positive behavior.

Photo: on Pexels
About the Department of Correctional Services
In South Africa, the Department of Correctional Services is a department that is responsible for overseeing those individuals who are in jail. These people have been arrested and are in awaiting trials or have been sentenced to spend years in jail. Moreover, this department deals with prisoners, detention, law, juries, and other security and safety processes.
For those who aren’t familiar with this department, there are some duties that correctional officers and court officers generally do. A correctional officer will mostly deal with supervising and escorting inmates, inspecting facilities, and enforcing rules within jails.
Meanwhile, a court officer will deal with ensuring courtroom security, handling evidence, and applying court procedures. In other words, this court officer applies the law and all the court procedures to work based on standards.
One-Year Learnership Programme
People, especially students, will wonder what kinds of training they will get during the learnership. Honestly, in a learnership programme, 30 percent out of 100 percent of the training consists of the vocational theory. The theoretical training will be done in an accredited DCS college based on the standard of the learnership programme.
What would you get when you join in? The theoretical training includes intensive instruction about firearms and also self-defense. As a bonus, you will also have physical training as your daily dose.
As it is a mandatory requirement to fulfill, you need to stay in the college to finish all the training and its physical training too. When you have gotten the opportunity to participate in the training, you will get accommodation, uniforms, meals, and materials related to training.
The other 70 percent of the training is about on-the-job training which takes place in Correctional and Social Reintegration Units. In this training section, you will do the security provision for the offenders and help them do their rehabilitation. It includes showing what is right, what they shouldn’t do, and what they should learn to avoid.
In this 70 percent of training, the applicants will receive a stipend monthly. Yet, they will not get accommodations, meals, housing allowance, medical aid, and pension fund.
When the learners have completed and finished their learnership programme, they will be declared competent. Indeed, there will be an assessment done every three months to evaluate your competence and capabilities. Any deviation from the agreement of the learnership will deal with Sections 17 and 18 of the Skills Development Act 97 by the DCS.
Correctional Services Learnership 2023 Requirements
As the competition to get the chance in this DCS Learnership 2023 is getting tight, it isn’t easy to be chosen. You have to stand out in order to be an important one to accept.
You will apply for the learnership in the Department of Correctional Services. Therefore, you should have passion and interest in dealing with prisoners, law, detention, and also rehabilitation. This learnership is only available for South African citizens.
The applicants should have a Grade 12 Certificate or NQF level 4. They should also have the National Certificate in Vocational Study. For the aged standard, they should be between the age of 18 and also 35 years.
Those who have a criminal case against them should explain in great detail the problems. However, when you have committed a serious crime, you can’t have the chance to be accepted.
Besides, the applicants need to have good personalities, strong characters, and also good health. It means that you shouldn’t be too dependent, soft, and also weak because this department can’t be with someone that is unreliable.
Correctional Service Learnership 2023 Application
When you want to apply for the learnership in the Department of Correctional Services, filling out the application form is a must. The application form can be gotten from the official websites and the applicants can fill them out.
On the websites, you need to access the Forms Tab. There will be a link named Forms and you can click it. You can choose the link of Internship/Learnership Application Forms.
There will be some learnership posts that you need to choose for your concern. As a matter of fact, the one who applies for the learnership should be the one who fills and signs the application forms by themselves. Don’t forget to attach all other important documents such as copies of certificates, identity cards, and also training completion certificates.
You need to keep in mind that any kind of application forms that have been photocopied or submitted late won’t be accepted. During the training, the applicants will be responsible for their own accommodation, meal, and also transport. Therefore, it is highly recommended that the applicants apply to the nearest department.
There are some regions that the applicants can choose based on their nearest location. You need to indicate in the application form where the location you’re applying for.
List of locations:
Eastern Cape Region:
St. Albans (Ref No: E01/2022)
Amatole (Ref No: E02/2022)
Kirkwood (Ref No: E03/2022)
East London (Ref No: E04/2022)
Sada (Ref No: E05/2022)
Mthatha (Ref No: E06/2022)
Free State and Northern Cape Region:
Groenpunt (Ref No: E07/2022)
Grootvlei (Ref No: E08/2022)
Colesburg (Ref No: E09/2022)
Kimberley (Ref No: E10/2022)
Upington (Ref No: E11/2022)
Goedemoed (Ref No: E12/2022)
Bizzah Makhate (Ref No: E13/2022)
Gauteng Region:
Leeuwkop (Ref No: E14/2022)
Kgoši Mampuru II (Ref No: E15/2022)
Baviaanspoort (Ref No: E16/2022)
Zonderwater (Ref No: E17/2022)
Johannesburg (Ref No: E18/2022)
Boksburg (Ref No: E19/2022)
Modderbee (Ref No: E20/2022)
Krugersdorp (Ref No: E21/2022)
Kwa-Zulu Natal Region:
Durban (Ref No: E22/2022)
Kokstad (Ref No: E23/2022)
Pietermaritzburg (Ref No: E24/2022)
Ncome (Ref No: E25/2022)
Empangeni (Ref No: E26/2022)
Glencoe (Ref No: E27/2022)
Waterval (Ref No: E28/2022)
Limpopo, Mpumalanga and North West Region:
Polokwane (Ref No: E29/2022)
Barberton (Ref No: E30/2022)
Bethal (Ref No: E31/2022)
Klerksdorp (Ref No: E32/2022)
Rooigrond (Ref No: E33/2022)
Rustenburg (Ref No: E34/2022)
Thohoyandou (Ref No: E35/2022)
Witbank (Ref No: E36/2022)
Western Cape Region:
Drakentstein (Ref No: E37/2022)
Allandale (Ref No: E38/2022)
Brandvlei (Ref No: E39/2022)
Pollsmoor (Ref No: E40/2022)
Goodwood (Ref No: E41/2022)
Southern Cape (Ref No: E42/2022)
West Coast (Ref No: E43/2022)
Voorberg (Ref No: E44/2022)
Overberg (Ref No: E45/2022)
Breede River (Ref No: E46/2022)
Nearest Regions to Apply for Correctional Services Learnership 2023
Applicants or learners can choose from the six regions in South Africa. When you live in the Eastern Cape Region, you can choose to apply to The Regional Commissioner Eastern Cape. Recruitment Section, P/Bag X9013, East London. Alternatively, applications may be handed in at Moore Street, Block E Ocean Terrance, Quigney, East London, 5211.
Living in Free State and Northern Cape, the learners or the applicants can apply to the nearest physical address: The Regional Commissioner Free State and Northern Cape, Recruitment Section, P/Bag X20530, Bloemfontein, 9300. Alternatively, applications may be handed in at 103 Zastron Street,
Agrimed Building, Bloemfontein, 9300.
If you live in the Gauteng region, you can choose the Regional Commissioner Gauteng, Recruitment Section, P/Bag X393, Pretoria, 0001. Alternatively, applications may be handed in at 04 Ketjen Street, Pretoria West (Kgoši Mampuru II, Training Centre).
For the citizen who lives in Kwa-Zulu Natal Region, you don’t need to be worried. It is because you can apply to the nearest region in The Regional Commissioner: Kwa-Zulu Natal, Recruitment Section, P/Bag X9126, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. Alternatively, applications may be handed in at Correctional Services, Eugene Marais Road, Napierville, Pietermaritzburg, 3201.
Moreover, for those who live in Limpopo, Mpumalanga, and also North West Region, you don’t need to come all the way to the far region. As there is the Regional Commissioner Limpopo, Mpumalanga & North West, Recruitment Section, P/Bag X142, Pretoria, 0001. Alternatively, applications may be handed in at Cnr Johannes Ramokhoase (Proes) & Paul Kruger Street, 196 Masada, Building, 09th Floor, Pretoria.
When you prefer to work in Western Cape Region, you can apply for the Correctional Services Learnership 2023 in the Regional Commissioner Western Cape, Recruitment Section, P/Bag X14, Goodwood, 7459. Alternatively, applications may be handed in at Peninsula Drive, Monte Vista, 7460.
Correctional Service Learnership 2023 closing date is at 31 January 2023.
Correctional Services Learnership Stipend
Probably getting experience can be one of the main reasons why people especially students want to look for learnerships. People also want to sharpen their knowledge and also skills which will be useful for their career path in the future.
However, it has also been a fact that stipend also plays an important role in making people interested to apply. Therefore, when the Department of Correctional Services in South Africa can offer a great salary, there are a lot of people who want to take part in the learnerships.
During the learnerships, the learners or the applicants will get a stipend of around R3738.32 monthly for 12 months. As it has been previously mentioned, the applicants will get accommodation, uniforms, meals, and materials related to training during the college training.
Moreover, when it comes to 70% of the training, the learners will only get the stipend, not including the accommodation and also meals. Thus, you need to prepare your own meals and accommodations.
Possible Career Paths for DCS Learners
Having learnerships or internships in the Department of Correctional Services is not guaranteed you will be employed in the DCS. There is a higher number of jobs available you apply for later, although the learners have the chance to be working in local government, state government, the federal government, courtrooms, jails, and even facilities support services. These jobs are usually based on your preferences whether you want to work as a bailiff or correctional officer.
When you personally have an interest in correctional services, these career paths can be the right options for you to have a better future. If you probably have shown your competence, loyalty, and also patience during the learnership, you will get the chance to apply permanently.
In conclusion, when you have made up your mind to get the correctional services learnership, there are many things that you need to know beforehand. The applicants should know about the requirements, application details, closing date, and also the stipend earned.
Junior Mdakane
Interested /correctional
I need this learnership
Cebisa Gongxeka interested in correctional service/transnet/eskom
Okuhle Lobi
Hi guys am interesting in leanership I willing to learn plz help me
Where can I get an application form?
Oregolele Ramokone
I’m interested