BankSeta Pivotal Programmes Guidelines

The BankSeta invites all registered and qualifying employers to apply for the BankSeta Pivotal Programmes of the 2020/21 financial year.

BankSeta Pivotal Programmes

Photo: @daria on

The Banking Sector Education and Training Authority (BankSeta) is a statutory body established through the Skills Development Act of 1998 as amended by the Skills Development Act 26 of 2011 to enable its stakeholders to advance the national and global position of the banking and alternative banking sector.

As guided by its mandate the BankSeta is as such an agent of transformation and seeks to promote employment equity and broad-based black economic empowerment through skills development.

The BankSeta is an enabler of skills development and transformation in the broader banking & microfinance sector and supports people’s development through partnerships, skills development, alleviating unemployment creating a brighter future, and enabling change. BankSeta focuses on SMEs, youth, adult education, continuous professional development, and research.

As mentioned earlier, BankSeta opens applications for BankSeta Pivotal Programmes Funding Windows for the 2020/21 financial year.

A funding window is an invitation to stakeholders to apply for funding from the SETA for the programmes that the funding window is intended for. The programmes may include learnerships, internships, and bursaries, etc. or maybe aimed at a particular stakeholder grouping for example Medium to Large Organisations, Small or Micro Enterprises, Co-operatives, Universities, etc. The window period has a specified opening date and a specified closing date.

The objective of a funding window is to allow stakeholders the flexibility to implement programmes in a way that is appropriate to their organisation. It also allows flexibility in content, duration, implementation dates, and training provision platforms.

If you wish to apply, keep your eyes peeled at the detailed guidelines below.


BankSeta Professional, Vocational, Technical, and Academic Learning (Pivotal) Programmes result in occupational qualifications or part qualifications on the National Qualifications Framework. The employers are requested to register with the BankSeta for skills development levy and/or planning purposes.

Included in the BankSeta Pivotal Programmes for the employed are:

  • Learnerships
  • Bursaries
  • Candidacy Programmes
  • Skills Programmes

Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must meet the eligibility criteria as indicated below to qualify for funding.

In the case of employers:

  • The applicant must be registered with the BANKSETA for skills development levy purposes.
  • The Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) reporting must be submitted by the due date of 31 July 2020 and the employer must be up to date with levy contributions unless exempt from paying levies (proof of exemption must be submitted).
  • Applications may be limited to small employers (less than 50 employees) where it is applicable to that particular funding window.
  • Applications may be limited to specific programmes i.e. Pivotal, IT, or Re-skilling.
  • In all instances, the training provider must be a South African Training Provider or a provider with a local footprint and be accredited for the programme applied for.

In the case of South African Higher Education Training Institutions:

  • Only public TVET Colleges, Universities of Technology and Universities will be eligible to apply.
  • Business Schools linked to Public Universities may also apply.

In the case of Community Organisations, only registered Non-Governmental Organisations or Non-Profit Organisations may apply.

Employers may apply only for programmes that start in the BankSeta’s financial year. Skills Development Facilitators (SDFs) are to submit the applications on behalf of employers or co-sign where the application is made by another employee. The proposed intervention must address business needs and scarce skills identified for the sector. Employers should show the link between the skills development initiative undertaken and the skills need to be indicated in the Sector Skills Plan (SSP).

Applicants are discouraged to edit templates. BankSeta Pivotal Programmes related documents are to be submitted on BANKSETA templates and according to the correct submission process. The application should not duplicate an existing BANKSETA project, except where the current project has been closed for participation (for example Letsema) Training Service providers appointed by the Employer must have the required statutory accreditation and recognition for the specific programme delivery that the Employer has contracted the Training Service provider for. Proposed qualifications, or learnerships not registered will negatively impact the application.

Applications will only be considered as complete once completed in full, duly signed off in designated areas & inclusive of the following:

  • Employer Quality Management Plan (QMP), incorporating the bursary policy where applicable
  • Project/Implementation Plan
  • Proof of Training Provider accreditation
  • Training provider quotation (specific to Bursary applications)
  • Employment Commitment letter (specific to programmes for the unemployed) and/or Exit Strategy
  • The employment commitment letter must indicate the possible percentage of learners that may be employed upon completion of the programme.

Each funding window, however, will have its own cost structure, eligibility criteria, evaluation criteria, and allocation criteria. These are attached as Annexure A which can be seen here.

How to Apply

Upon submission please ensure to:

  1. Email each application for funding separately. An email should therefore contain only one consolidated and complete application.
  2. Index the email as follows in the Subject Line: Bank Name, 18.1 or 18.2, Learning Category, Provider Name, and Number of learners.

Please ensure to:

  • Submit complete and duly signed application forms.
  • Complete the correct application form (for employed or unemployed programs), and select the correct category that you would like to apply for, on page 1.

We encourage you to make use of the acknowledgment-checklist on page 1 of the application form which can be downloaded here.

Kindly note that all applications should be submitted in electronic format (softcopy) to

Closing Dates

The BankSeta Pivotal Programmes open on 6 October 2020 and close on 17 November 2020. The closing date and time for all Pivotal applications is 12 o’clock midnight. Employers are urged to submit the necessary documents timeously and with the requisite information, for applications to be assessed without delay.

Applications and other related documents are to be submitted on BankSeta templates, and as per the prescribed submission process. Failure to do so will result in the disqualification of the applications. Applications must be received in the specified timeframes; no late submissions will be accepted. Early submissions are encouraged.

Applicants agree to provide information as required by BankSeta for the purposes of reporting to the Department of Higher Education and Training, as well as other statutory stakeholders. Please note that each funding category will have its own performance information requirements depending on the type of programme applied for.

Contact Details

Should you have any inquiries regarding the programmes, please mail your questions through post or send them to the mentioned telephone and fax numbers below.

BankSeta Head Office

Eco Origin Office Park, Building C2
349 Witch-Hazel Ave Eco-Park Estate,
Centurion 0144

Tel: +27 (0) 11 564 5312
Fax: +27 (0) 11 805 8348

Official Website

Visit BankSeta’s official website to get the latest information about the BankSeta Pivotal Programmes at

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